Blooming from the Past: Round Square International Conference in Colombia

OCTOBER 14, 2024

In September, Bintou S. ’26, Lexie J. ’26, Laura S. ’26, Amaris F. ’26, Venus H. ’26, Lily T. ’27, and Ashani A. ’27—all members of the Nightingale global planning committee—journeyed with Director of Global Partnerships and Community Engagement Ms. Maclean and Associate Director of Communications Ms. Peters to Colombia to attend the Round Square International Conference.

Nightingale is a proud member of Round Square, an organization of 250+ schools from 50 countries all committed to the character education and experiential learning built around six themes—the Round Square IDEALS: International Understanding, Democracy, Environmental Stewardship, Adventure, Leadership, and Service.

An incredible 662 students from 118 schools in 27 countries were in attendance at the 56th annual international conference this year, which began in Bogotá. The theme of the conference, Blooming from the Past, encouraged attendees to consider how a deeper understanding and acceptance of the past, can lead the way to a better future.

After spending the first night in Bogotá with host families from one of the five hosting schools in Colombia, the conference was split into two groups to spend the following four days in the region of Boyacá. The Nightingale contingent traveled to Villa de Leyva where they took part in cultural activities, community service work, adventure trips, and team building workshops. Keynote speakers and breakout discussions with fellow students from all around the world were also a part of the experience and allowed for the exchange of ideas, expectations, and beliefs from a variety of cultures and backgrounds. The trip concluded back in Bogotá and reunited students with their host families from the first night, but this time with a much deeper appreciation for Colombia—its past, present, and future.