Winter Celebration 2024
DECEMBER 20, 2024
On the Friday before winter break, the gym was packed for Winter Celebration—a moment for the community to join together in song and celebrate the halfway point of the year. 40+ alumnae were also in attendance, and watched with excitement as seniors and Kindergarteners led the way into the auditorium, hand in hand. They were followed by Class XI who joined hands with Class I, Class X who joined hands with Class II, Class IX who joined hands with Class III, and finally Class VIII who joined hands with Class IV. All linked together, the festively dressed Nighthawks formed a spiral before finding their seats on the floor. After singing holiday songs, reading from Brave Little Bear(the book selected by Kindergarteners), students listened as Mr. Burke read his traditional pre-winter break poem. Finally, all together, the community yelled, “school is dismissed!”